What are the benefits of Pregnancy Massage?

Pregnancy is such a beautiful time - the joy and excitement of a new addition to the family, and the wonder and awe of your changing body. But it can also be a difficult and confusing time as your hormones disrupt your emotions, aching muscles can cause sleepless nights and the worry of parenthood can unnerve even the most level headed of women. It is also a time where you may want to treat and pamper yourself, or help manage the associated aches and pains of growing a tiny little human. Pregnancy massage is such a great tool to help, and many people often ask what is the benefit of remedial massage therapy while pregnant? Often the most difficult task in answering this question is where to start, as there are so many answers! As we all know, pregnancy can be incredibly uncomfortable and sometimes very painful, especially around the lower back and hip areas. But rest assured that there is a way to help combat these aches, pains and sore muscles - pregnancy massage! During the nine months of pregnancy, women go through enormous changes, not only physically, but physiologically and psychologically also. The physical changes can cause stress and discomfort for the mother. Massage is a wonderful way to help alleviate many of these discomforts, as well as promote a sense of well-being, health and wellness. Is it safe? Yes! It is safe for both mother and baby. Your massage therapist will make an informed decision on how the treatment is approached. After 12 weeks it is deemed safe to start treatments - this is a precaution to make sure that everything is okay with mother and baby and that there is little to no risk of a miscarriage before proceeding with treatment. If you are a high risk pregnancy, such as previous complications or low blood pressure, it is recommended that you get clearance from your midwife or doctor before seeking a massage treatment. There are some essential oils that have reports of mixed effects - some to help relieve tension, some to help with labour pains and Braxton-Hix contractions - we choose to use an essential oil blend which will help to soothe your skin and relax all of your senses. What to expect? After an in depth consultation and assessment, a session can either go for 30 , 60 or 90 minutes. Most treatments will be approached and conducted with the mother lying in a side lying position and supported with pillows, bolsters and bump support cushions for comfort. We have plenty of blankets and cushions to make sure you are comfortable, as well as adjustable massage couches to give you plenty of support. Your therapist will also explain the changes your body will go through at each trimester and give tips to help you get through everyday to minimise pain or discomfort. Benefits of pregnancy massage The benefits an expecting mother may experience include: Lymphatic drainage - reduced swelling of the hands, feet and ankles. Less sciatic pain Pelvic realignment and strengthening Relaxed muscles Helps increase blood and circulation, which in return delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the mother and baby. Reduced stress and help with fatigue Eases muscular discomforts in areas like the lower back and neck, calf cramps Decreased tension and tightening that can be experienced throughout the body. And lots more! Is it for me?
Pregnancy massage can help every single pregnant woman. It is a wonderful tool to help you feel energised and vibrant, and also to sort out any of your niggles or pains. Remember that it is important to treat yourself through the journey of pregnancy, and ensure that you are in the best shape possible to care for your new bundle of joy. Ensure that you find a reputable massage therapy practice with trained professionals who can help you with your journey. Feel free to contact us to find out if we can help you. If you would like to book a Pregnancy Massage either Book Online or call 0161 4785412Â