Top 5 Podcasts for Self Care
We are focusing on things Self Care this month!
As we are getting back to business at Pamper Me we are super aware that we are all feeling a little overwhelmed and anxious. Not to mention exhausted as we are all trying to get back to our normal daily routines!
One thing I love to do is lie back in my bed with a face mask and headphones and listen
to a podcast. With so much choice it can be difficult to find the right one, so we have complied a list of some of our favs!
Here is our list of our favourite Podcasts for Self Care!
Calmer You Podcast: Anxiety & Confidence Chloe Brotheridge
Practical Positivity Sophie Cliff
Self Care is Sexy Kris Wood
Guided Sleep Meditations
We would love to hear your feedback, or perhaps you have a favourite that you would like to share!
Love Jodie Finnigan xoxo